Company News

Connection before Content


Hello everyone & happy new year!

In today’s fast paced business world, its’ easy to focus on getting things done and diving straight into tasks or objectives.

However connection before content, a concept introduced by thought leader Peter Block, emphasizes the importance of building relationships and setting the right tone BEFORE jumping into tasks or the work itself.  This approach humanizes interactions and lays down the foundation of trust.  

For example, let’s imagine it is the start of the year (it is)  and you are leading an online meeting. Instead of jumping straight into the meeting agenda points you might begin by appreciating the teams achievements from last year. Follow that with a quick, casual discussion about holiday highlights or one thing each team member is excited about for the coming year. Once connection is established THEN you can move onto the purpose of the meeting.

Hang on  … I hear you say…..but.. this will take more time. And you’re right. However which meeting would you feel more comfortable in? Which would help you build stronger relationships, foster engagement and ultimately be more productive? Connection accelerates getting work done.

This principle, connection before content can apply to many interpersonal communication situations. Be great to hear some of these in the comments section below.  

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