Category: Insights/Resources

Connection before Content


Hello everyone & happy new year! In today’s fast paced business world, its’ easy to focus on getting things done and diving straight into tasks or objectives. However connection before content, a concept introduced by thought leader Peter Block, emphasizes the importance of building relationships and setting the right...

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Executive Presentations: How do you Rehearse?


How do you rehearse for important presentations…? In a recent executive presentation skills session, everyone agreed that rehearsal is crucial. No surprise there.  What was surprising though was a lack of answers and clarity around how people rehearse. Most responses were along the lines of: I think about what...

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Leadership Communication: Flexibility


Welcome back to Leadership Communication Insights & Reflections! This week, we’re building on our last topic of self-awareness in communication. Once you understand your communication style (awareness), the next step is to adapt it to the situation and audience. This we like to call Leadership Communication Flexibility. Let’s dive...

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Leadership Communication: Awareness


Our latest insight is from a recent series of executive coaching sessions which focused on topic of… leadership communication. One of the coachees, a  director felt really quite frustrated trying to get approval from key stakeholders and management who didn’t really see things the same way he did. Another...

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How to Use Your Voice to Influence Others-如何增强声音感染力


Click here to watch video 7000. That is the average number of words we speak every day. But…have you ever thought about how those 7000 words sound to your listeners? 7000——这是我们平均每天说的单词数量。但是,你有没有想过这7000个词在听的人耳朵里是什么样的呢? In a world of increasing virtual communication, voice is growing in importance. Your ability to engage, motivate and...

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The Secret to Confidence in the Workplace 职场自信的秘诀


Confidence. We are often led to believe that in order to be successful we need to be high in confidence. High confidence = high competence. But…. is this really true? 信心。经常有人告诉我们,必须要有足够的信心才能成功,信心越大就等于能力越强。但是,这是真的吗? Let’s imagine for example you were in sales and due to covid travel restrictions, a potential client asks...

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